Awards, features and publishes
"The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves."
-Jane Goodall.
News Paper - The bigist moon in 50 Year
This picture is published in the local newspaper Paperboy.
It is a fine art picture, where I have put the moon in useing photoshop, I made this picture in connection with the biggest moon in 50 years, coming that day.
I published this photo on Facebook, where the local newspaper found it and asked permission to use it.
The picture is taken In Roskilde and from 13 November 2016
2nd place in the category “ People and nature”
The competition “Wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark” 2018 by NFD is over.
There were 1,600 photos submitted in 11 categories and of those 276 were selected for the final, I got 7 photos here, and in the category People and nature I got 2nd place with the picture of mother greylag goose and gosling, with a waiting car in the background.
It was the first time I enter a photo competition, I got this 2nd place, in the category “ People and nature"
There are strict requirements for motifs and image editing in this competition, So I'm really happy with the placement in this competition.
The picture was taken in May 2018 in Lille Vildmose.
3 nd place in the category “ Flower”
The competition “Wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark” 2020 by NFD is over.
I did’t enter in 2019, so I am happy to be back
I got a 3nd place in the category “ Flower”.
Many of my photos got points in the preliminary rounds, so overall I was no. 11 in the competition
The picture was taken in May 2020 in Roskilde with Canon 5d mk. 4 and with 100 mm f2,8 macro
Picture in a Book By Peter Schultz Jørgensen
Byernes jord a book by Peter Schultz Jørgensen kom ud, Peter har bruget et af mine billeder fra stormen Bodil fra Roskilde Havn.
Jeg er glad for at kunne bidrage med et foto til denne bog
Byernes jord, a book by Peter Schultz Jørgensen came out, Peter has used one of my photos from the storm Bodil from Roskilde Harbour 2013.
I am happy to contribute with a photo to this book.
2 nd place in the category “ Raindrops”
Annual competition for Danish Nature Photographer of the Year 2021
Then the annual competition got off the ground with 1600 photos. There were several of my photos that got points, and made it through to the final round, where there were approx. 370 pictures included.
It resulted in a fine 2nd place in the category "Dråber" for which I have now received a diploma, and as a bonus, the picture was included in NFD's Magasin.
The picture was taken early in the morning in Havdrup Mose, Canon R5 Canon 100 mm F2.8 and Flash Cannon 600 ex with a Softbox attached.
Danish magazine “Dansk fotografi”
My photo of drops in the category drops, where I got 2nd place, is included in this article about the competition "Wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark" in Dansk Fotografis magazine, even though it actually only got 2nd place.
NFD magazine
The 2nd place from the category Drops from 2021 was included in NFD's magazine
The book: 25 years with nature in focus
Then came NFD's book "25 years with nature in focus, Sponsored by the AAGE V. JENSEN FOND
A beautiful book, with many beautiful and exciting photos, I have two photos in the book, “one is "Goose on the Road"
taken in Lille Vildmose in 2018 and Landscape, Bolund near Roskilde from 2021, taken with Lee filter on, nice to be able to show off a bit of local nature.
2 nd place in the category “Pepole and Nature ”
The competition “Wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark” 2022 by NFD is over.
I got a 2nd place in the category “ People and Nature”.
Picture was taken in Lille Vildmose summer 2022
The 2nd place was included in NFD's magazine.
With comment from competition judge, Thank you for that.
3 x 2 nd and 2 x 3nd Wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark
The competition “Wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark” 2023 by NFD is over.
This year I got 3 2nd places and 2 3rd places, a total of 5 prizes and a total of 4 places in the wildlife photography of the year 2023 competition.
The jugde was Tom Schandy BBC Wildlife photographer of the year from 2009/2010 and author of many nature books.
3rd place in fox was taken in Little Vildmose 2023
2nd place in Landscape is taken in Iceland
2nd Place Insects were taken in Gadstrup - Roskilde
2nd place in the Night category is taken in Klelund Plantage
3rd place in the Night Milke way category is taken in one of the darkest places, Møn in Denmark
Exhibition of my picture at the Kant photo festival 2024
Exhibition of my picture, at the Kant photo festival
The photo has been chosen to represent NFD at this year's Kant photo festival 2024.
This is my first picture that has been printed and exhibited and maybe you will see the picture on other Photo exhibitions.
Kant photo festival is a big Danish photo festival in north Jutland taking place every year.
The picture is a Fly (Tetanocera sp.)Mating, where I could get really close, the picture was taken with 3 x magnification and I quietly retreat without disturbing the mating. Picture is taken in Roskilde in Denmark.
Canon R5 – Macro Canon Mp-65 with flash
1/200 – F13 – Iso 200
Wildlife Photography of the year 2024
Overall a 3rd. place and a 1st. place in "Sharpe and de
Total no. 3 in photo competition nature photographer in Denmark
1 place in the shape and detail category
1 place in the shape and detail category Stag Bettle
The Competition” wildlife Photographer of the year in Denmark” 2024 is over.
Overall, I came third in the competitions, which resulted in a gift card for sponsor shop Goecker and a fine diploma.
And I got a 1 st.. place with a photo of a Stag Beetle (Dorcus parallelipipedus)
It was put together of 159 photos in a Photostack.
Taken in the local forest near Roskilde.
All in all, a nice competition where I got 18 photos accepted (in the top 20%) out of 30 photos.
which was the basis for the overall 3rd place.
The judge was Anders Geidemark from Sweden.