My first photo stack image is put together from 159 photos in the program Helicon.
It was taken with 1/200 F 5.6 Iso 340 with flash and it took 7 more attempts before it succeeded without the beetle moving.
Dorcus Paralleipipedus(In Danish Bøghjort)
Taken in the local forest
4 days with 11 Danish wolves in western Jutland.After 3 days without seeing the wolf.
The 4th day was a day when I saw the wolf 4 times,
and the last time it was 11 wolves, 5 adult wolves and 6 cubs from this year.
A great experience.
A bit of concern as wolves with 2 cubs were not afraid of humans.Maybe because the distance was more than 200 meters.
See more photos in my portfolio "Wolf of Denmark" from 2 August 2024
First Video on my Youtube canel
I made my first video on Youtube, it's a Nature Dokumentation video about wolves in Denmark, after my trip on 17 May 2024Where I had 10 minuts with these 4 wolves, amazing night, See more on youtube
Northen Light - Bolund, Roskilde Denmark
After a week in Lille Vildmose in North Jutland, I have now returned home, and could see on my app that the Northern Lights had been promised.
It was out with the camera and off to Bolund near Roskilde, after many hours of waiting, northern lights came at 0:19, not like on 11 May, but it could be seen.
Camera settings:
13 sec. F4.0 ISO 1600
Borris shooting range 21 april 2024
After a weekend where I was in Klelund Plantage without seeing wolves on Friday, I went to Borris Shooting Range where I spent 13 hours without success, but on Sunday I was lucky, after a tip if it had been seen on the heath, I quickly went out on the heath and got a few shots of it, it disappeared into the woods, and again later where it crossed the road.
It was the 9th time I saw a wolf in Denmark.
Se more in Portfolie "Wolf of Denmark"
Then it was time for the first wolf trip to Jutland.
The first day was in the Borris Shooting Range due to the heavy rain, the next day the trip went to Klelund Plantation, and Day 3 was again at Borris Shooting Range.
Unfortunately I didn't see any wolves, but they were there.
The first day I saw traces of 2 wolves (I assume, since I haven't seen dogs in the area and the size of the gates and the strong marked claws, I assume are wolf tracks) Credit cards are 8.5 cm.
Approx. 20 meters away I found excrement from wolve and the same day a women report seeing 2 wolf about 200 meter from the place I found trace.
I went back 2 days later and the trace was nearly gone.
There was quite a bit of talk with div. photographers and wolves/birds interested as told, 2 red deer had been put down by the wolf in the present time, I found one of carcass of a red deer. Where golden eagles and other birds also benefited from the carcass.
A good trip even though I didn't see wolves, but I did get a few photos of the local golden eagle.
New Homepage
Roskilde 26-03-2024
New Website is in the air. In the following time, we will update The news here, Facebook, Instagram, and youtube, you are very welcome to follow me on any off the platforme.
"Henning Olsen Photograhy"